The Magicians - Quentin's Nightmare Escape Scene (S1E4) | Rotten Tomatoes TV The Magicians - Quentin's Lobotomy Scene (S1E4) | Rotten Tomatoes TV The Magicians - Julia's Banishment Scene (S1E4) | Rotten Tomatoes TV The Magicians - Shake It Off Scene (S1E4) | Rotten Tomatoes TV The Magicians (2015) - Quentin Wins Welters Match Scene (S1E5) | Movieclips The Magicians - Alice & Quentin Summon Charlie Scene (S1E3) The Magicians - Quentin Does REAL Magic Scene (S1E1) The Magicians - Penny's Ward Attack Scene (S1E2) The Last 'Rotten Tomatoes Is Wrong' Episode Ever Why Rotten Tomatoes Is So Wrong About The Last Dragon (1985) with Special Guest Brandon Collins
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