Man rescued by Good Samaritans after being trapped in burning SUV 2 child abductions thwarted by good Samaritans Woman trapped in burning car Hiker rescued after being left behind on a mountain by co-workers Mass exodus of Burning Man attendees left mired in mud after torrential rain | Nightline Mass exodus of Burning Man attendees left mired in mud after torrential rain | Nightline Thousands begin escape from Burning Man after monsoons and flooding l GMA 8 people trapped after tornado rips through Mississippi bank l WNT Woman rescued after going overboard on cruise ship l GMA Woman rescued after going overboard on cruise ship l GMA
Mass exodus of Burning Man attendees left mired in mud after torrential rain | Nightline Trapped by the elevator 2 divers rescued after 38 hours stranded at sea Morocco earthquake death toll rises as crews race to save trapped victims Man rescued by Good Samaritans after being trapped in burning SUV Hundreds rescued from flooding as waters continue rising in Houston Burning Man attendee recounts 7-hour wait on road exiting festival New Orleans bus driver speaks out after saving kids from burning bus Burning Man attendee discusses festival disaster Woman rescued after going overboard on cruise ship l GMA