Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey in court for his trial on alleged sex offenses Actor Kevin Spacey found not guilty in sexual assault trial Actor Kevin Spacey found not guilty in sexual assault trial Ex-Parkland officer Scot Peterson acquitted of all charges Popular parenting YouTube host arrested on child abuse suspicions | WNT Kids reported years of sexual abuse by probation officers – now they want justice Author and journalist on abuse in Hollywood: ‘The industry has done no training’ | Prime Kids reported years of sexual abuse by probation officers – now they want justice Author and journalist on abuse in Hollywood: ‘The industry has done no training’ | Prime Influencer mom charged with abuse remains in jail without bond | WNT
Kids reported years of sexual abuse by probation officers – now they want justice Actor Kevin Spacey found not guilty in sexual assault trial Diddy faces new sex-trafficking claims Dr. Ruth Westheimer, sex therapist and talk show host, dies at 96 Multiple people shot near London, Kentucky: Police Author and journalist on abuse in Hollywood: ‘The industry has done no training’ | Prime Kate Middleton's medical records reportedly involved in data breach at London Clinic Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey in court for his trial on alleged sex offenses Justice Department report claims FBI is mishandling sex assault investigations Supreme Court sides with web designer opposed to same-sex marriage | Prime