Did every man in that audience just die a bit in that moment?: Gutfeld Trump surprises Florida restaurant owner struggling to stay open Gutfeld asks Melania Trump everyone's burning question: Does Donald Trump wear pajamas? AIRING HIS LINEN: Gutfeld torches Mark Cuban for trashing Trump women Gutfeld contrasts 'fictional Avengers' for Harris with 'real Avengers' for Trump Gutfeld: Trump is chewing up Kamala Harris' campaign Gutfeld: Trump is like political truth serum ‘Gutfeld!’: Trump has fun at McDonald’s Gutfeld: ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ really comes down to this Kamala Harris thinks Trump is hiding?: Gutfeld
Gutfeld: This is why the Democrats are being ditched Gutfeld: Politics has polluted every part of Democrats' lives Michelle Obama thinks American men ‘suck’: Gutfeld See the best moments from former President Trump's appearance on 'Gutfeld!' Trump surprises Florida restaurant owner struggling to stay open Did every man in that audience just die a bit in that moment?: Gutfeld Gutfeld: The guys who plays 'Shazam!' tells Whoopi to scram Trump makes first in-studio ‘Gutfeld!’ appearance Gutfeld fires off his best election zingers Gutfeld: Trump is chewing up Kamala Harris' campaign