- Warm Embrace:深度睡眠與冥想的放鬆音景
- [無廣告] Far Away:10 小時深度放鬆音樂,促進睡眠、冥想和放鬆
- [無廣告] Sunset Melody:放鬆的鋼琴音樂與海洋之聲助眠
- Beautiful Peaceful Music: Peder B. Helland - Warm Light
- Warm Light • Relaxing Flute, Guitar & Piano Music with Birds Singing
- Soft Touch:小雨、雷聲與輕鬆的鋼琴音樂助眠
- Midnight Calm:黑屏深度睡眠音樂|在環境音樂中入睡
- The Shore of Dreams:用於深度冥想和放鬆的輕鬆睡眠音樂
- Peder B. Helland - Calm Lights(鋼琴即興創作)| Soothing Sessions
- Relaxing Piano Music Playlist with Ocean Waves in the Sunset | Relax, Sleep, Focus
- 由 Peder B. Helland 所呈獻可緩解失眠的夢幻睡眠音樂
- Soft Touch:小雨、雷聲與輕鬆的鋼琴音樂助眠
- Relaxing Piano Music Playlist with Ocean Waves in the Sunset | Relax, Sleep, Focus
- The Ancient Tale:放鬆身心的杜讀管音樂和美麗的高加索山脈
- Ice • 適合冥想、紓壓、瑜珈和睡覺的優美放鬆音樂
- Paradise : 鋼琴、大提琴、杜讀管、長笛和小提琴的美麗放鬆音樂
- Peder B. Helland You & Me (現場表演)|放鬆的鋼琴音樂
- Sunrise:由Peder B. Helland 演奏演奏之寧靜鋼琴音樂 | Soothing Sessions
- 春季即興演奏:適合閱讀、學習與放鬆的平靜鋼琴音樂
- Peder B. Helland - The Promise(即興創作)| Soothing Sessions